Course Schedule Autumn 2009-2010

Course Schedule Autumn 2009-2010

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Course timetable as of December 31, 2010

Course Title Instructor Time Room SCPD
CS1C Introduction to Computing at Stanford Ly by arrangement
CS2C Multimedia Production Chan by arrangement
CS21N Can Machines Know? Can Machines Feel? Shoham MW 9:30-10:45 90-92Q
CS47N Computers and the Open Society Winograd MW 3:15-4:30 Gates 100
CS74N Digital Dilemmas Dill TTh 11:00-12:15 Gates 100
CS103 Mathematical Foundations of Computing Plummer MWF 2:15 Gates B01
CS105 Introduction to Computers Young MWF 1:15 Annenberg Aud
CS106A Programming Methodology Sahami MWF 3:15 Terman Aud
CS106B Programming Abstractions Roberts MWF 3:15 Hewlett 200
CS106L Standard C++ Programming Laboratory Cain/Schwarz TTh 4:15-5:05 260-113
CS106X Programming Abstractions (Accelerated) Cain MWF 11:00 Skilling Aud
CS107 Computer Organization and Systems Zelenski MWF 11:00-12:15 Gates B01
CS108 Object-Oriented Systems Design Young MW 3:15-4:30 370-370
CS142 Web Applications Ousterhout MWF 11:00 370-370
CS143 Compilers Aiken TTh 11:00-12:15 Gates B03
CS144 Introduction to Computer Networking Levis/Mazieres TTh 4:15-5:30 Thornton 102
CS145 Introduction to Databases Widom MW 9:30-10:45 Skilling Aud
CS147 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design Klemmer TTh 1:15-2:05 Hewlett 201
CS147L HCI Technology Laboratory Krieger Th 5:15-6:30 Y2E2111
CS148 Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging Hanrahan TTh 2:15-3:30 Braun Lec
CS154 Introduction to Automata and Complexity Theory Dill TTh 3:15-4:30 Herrin T175
CS154N Introduction to NP Completeness Dill TTh 3:15-4:30 Herrin T175
CS157 Logic and Automated Reasoning Genesereth TTh 2:15-3:30 Gates B03
CS161 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Plotkin TTh 12:50-2:05 Gates B01
CS191 Senior Project (none listed) by arrangement
CS191W Writing Intensive Senior Project (none listed) by arrangement
CS192 Programming Service Project (none listed) by arrangement
CS198 Teaching Computer Science Sahami/Wang M 4:15-6:05 380-380C
CS199 Independent Work (none listed) by arrangement
CS199P Independent Work (none listed) by arrangement
CS205A Mathematical Methods for Robotics, Vision & Graph Fedkiw TTh 9:30-10:45 Gates B03
CS207 The Economics of Software Wiederhold F 2:15 Gates B12
CS221 Artificial Intelligence: Principles & Techniques Ng TTh 9:30-10:45 Gates B01
CS224M Multi-Agent Systems Shoham MW 12:50-2:05 Gates B12
CS225B Robot Programming Laboratory Konolige TTh 3:15-4:30 Gates 100
CS229 Machine Learning Ng MW 9:30-10:45 Gates B01
CS242 Programming Languages Mitchell/Fishe MW 2:15-3:30 Gates B03
CS249A Object-Oriented Prog: A Modeling & Simul Perspect Cheriton TTh 11:00-12:15 Skilling 193
CS270 Modeling Biomedical Systems Musen TTh 2:15-3:30 Thornton 102
CS272 Intro Biomedical Informatics Research Methodology Altman TTh 3:15-4:30 McCull 126
CS273A A Computational Tour of the Human Genome Batzoglou/Beje MW 11:00-12:15 Beckman302
CS276 Information Retrieval and Web Search Manning/Raghav TTh 4:15-5:30 Gates B01
CS294A Research Project in Artifical Intelligence Koller Th 3:15-5:05 Herrin T195
CS294W Writing Intensive Research Project in CS Koller Th 3:15-5:05 (see CS294A)
CS300 Departmental Lecture Series Mitchell MTWTh 4:15-5:45 Gates B12
CS309A Software as a Service Chou T 4:15-5:30 Skilling Aud
CS322 Network Analysis Leskovec TTh 3:15-4:30 Econ 140
CS323 Understanding Images and Videos Li W 2:15-5:05 Gates 159
CS348A Computer Graphics: Geometric Modeling Guibas MW 2:15-3:30 Skilling 191
CS349C Readings in Distributed Systems Cao/Danzig T 3:15-4:30 Gates 400
CS369M Algorithms for Massive Data Set Analysis Mahoney MW 11:00-12:15 Terman 156
CS369N Novel Paradigms for Algorithmic Analysis Roughgarden F 10:00-12:50 Hewlett 101
CS378 Phenomenological Foundations of Cognition, Language, and Com Winograd Th 1:15-5:05 Educ 230
CS390A Curricular Practical Training (none listed) by arrangement
CS390B Curricular Practical Training (none listed) by arrangement
CS390C Curricular Practical Training (none listed) by arrangement
CS393 Computer Laboratory (none listed) by arrangement
CS395 Independent Database Project (none listed) by arrangement
CS399 Independent Project (none listed) by arrangement
CS399P Independent Project (none listed) by arrangement
CS448B Data Visualization Heer MW 12:35-2:05 380-380X
CS448F Image Processing for Photography and Vision Adams TTh 2:15-3:30 Gates 392
CS468 Computational Topology Morozov TTh 2:15-3:30 Gates 498
CS499 Advanced Reading and Research (none listed) by arrangement
CS523 The Future of the Automobile Thrun/Gerdes W 4:15-5:30 260-113
CS546 Seminar on Liberation Technologies Winograd/Cohen Th 4:30-6:00pm 160-124
CS571 Surgical Robotics Seminar Barbagli/Prisc T 2:15-3:05 Clark S361
CS801 TGR Project (none listed) by arrangement
CS802 TGR Dissertation (none listed) by arrangement