Undergraduate Students

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641 peoplePage 1 of 7
Phone Office
Salman Abdullah   salman [at] cs.stanford.edu
Grace Abraham   grace23 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Aya Aburous   aaburous [at] cs.stanford.edu
Adrian Adegbesan   adrian25 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Esaw Adhana   eadhana [at] cs.stanford.edu
Anshika Agarwal   anshika [at] cs.stanford.edu
Ananya Agarwal   ananyaag [at] cs.stanford.edu
Abhinav Agarwal   abhinav [at] cs.stanford.edu
Ayush Agrawal   ayushag [at] cs.stanford.edu
Harshal Agrawal   aharshal [at] cs.stanford.edu
Rehaan Ahmad   rehaan [at] cs.stanford.edu
Susan Ahmed   suahmed [at] cs.stanford.edu
Jasmine Aikey   jaaikey [at] cs.stanford.edu
Zahra Albasri   zalbasri [at] cs.stanford.edu
Yasmine Alonso   yalonso [at] cs.stanford.edu
Kavin Anand   akavin [at] cs.stanford.edu
Mihir Anand   mihirana [at] cs.stanford.edu
Sheden Andemicael   sheden [at] cs.stanford.edu
Noah James Anderson   noaha [at] cs.stanford.edu
Jun Yang Ang   ajy [at] cs.stanford.edu
Mona Anvarihosseinabad   monaavr [at] cs.stanford.edu
Fayez Anwar   fayez [at] cs.stanford.edu
Elias Applebaum   eapple25 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Harviel Kyle Arcilla Arcilla   karcilla [at] cs.stanford.edu
Anthony Argyropoulos   aargy [at] cs.stanford.edu
Javokhir B Arifov   javokhir [at] cs.stanford.edu
Luis Arizmendi   larizmen [at] cs.stanford.edu
Cees Armstrong   ceesa [at] cs.stanford.edu
Pauline Arnoud   parnoud [at] cs.stanford.edu
Kwame Brako Asante   brako04 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Zion Asemota   zasemota [at] cs.stanford.edu
Derek Askaryar   askaryar [at] cs.stanford.edu
Atem John Aguer Atem   atemjohn [at] cs.stanford.edu
Michael Atkin   mjatkin [at] cs.stanford.edu
Aanika Atluri   aatluri [at] cs.stanford.edu
Yarency Avelar   yarencya [at] cs.stanford.edu
Matthew Louis Ayoob   mayoob [at] cs.stanford.edu
Emmanuel Ayumba   eayumba [at] cs.stanford.edu
Ramya Ayyagari   ayyagari [at] cs.stanford.edu
Adi Badlani   badlani [at] cs.stanford.edu
Minseok Bae   minseok [at] cs.stanford.edu
Elizabeth Theresa Baena   ebaena [at] cs.stanford.edu
Philip Baillargeon   pabaill [at] cs.stanford.edu
Sarah Barragan   sabarrag [at] cs.stanford.edu
Yannick Camilo Barron   yannick2 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Adam Barry   adamjb [at] cs.stanford.edu
Abranette Barry   abarry15 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Emma Beharry   ebeharry [at] cs.stanford.edu
Naama Bejerano   naama [at] cs.stanford.edu
Andrew Bempong   bempong [at] cs.stanford.edu
Matias Benitez   matiasb [at] cs.stanford.edu
Marc Bernardino   mrbernar [at] cs.stanford.edu
Nikita Bhardwaj   nikitab [at] cs.stanford.edu
Aditi Bhaskar   aditijb [at] cs.stanford.edu
Akanshya Bhat   akanshya [at] cs.stanford.edu
Kiran Bhat   kvbhat [at] cs.stanford.edu
Agam Bhatia   agam [at] cs.stanford.edu
Mari Bigolin Groff   mbgroff [at] cs.stanford.edu
George Birikorang   george25 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Jeremy Reece Bischoff   jbisc [at] cs.stanford.edu
Julia Biswas   jubiswas [at] cs.stanford.edu
Maty Bohacek   maty [at] cs.stanford.edu
Naomi Boneh   naomicyb [at] cs.stanford.edu
Olivia Bruvik   oliviabruvik [at] cs.stanford.edu
Zachary Cadiz   zcadiz [at] cs.stanford.edu
Malina Nafula Calarco   malinac [at] cs.stanford.edu
Kate Callon   kcallon [at] cs.stanford.edu
Nico Caminero   caminero [at] cs.stanford.edu
Cameron Camp   camcamp [at] cs.stanford.edu
Sebastian Campos   seebas [at] cs.stanford.edu
Victor Cardenas   victorcc [at] cs.stanford.edu
Rosman Cariño   rcarino [at] cs.stanford.edu
Michael Carpenter-Newmark   macnew [at] cs.stanford.edu
Andres Carranza Moreno   acarrnza [at] cs.stanford.edu
Trevor Carrell   trevorcarrell [at] cs.stanford.edu
Emma Casey   emcasey [at] cs.stanford.edu
Catherine Da-Yuen Celio   catcelio [at] cs.stanford.edu
Willy Chan   willyc [at] cs.stanford.edu
Maya Chandra   mayasc [at] cs.stanford.edu
Rohan Chandran  
Shawn Charles   hesterc [at] cs.stanford.edu
Allen Chau   achau774 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Anusheh Chaudry   anusheh [at] cs.stanford.edu
Saanvi Chawla   saanvi [at] cs.stanford.edu
Carrie Chen   carrie [at] cs.stanford.edu
Sarah Chen   sachen [at] cs.stanford.edu
Ashley Chen   ashleyrc [at] cs.stanford.edu
Julie Chen   jychen [at] cs.stanford.edu
James Chen   jamesc27 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Mia Chen   miachen [at] cs.stanford.edu
Young Chen   youngch [at] cs.stanford.edu
Cynthia Chen   cchen24 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Winson Cheng   winsonc [at] cs.stanford.edu
Shirley Cheng   scheng3 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Ryan Cheng   rcheng07 [at] cs.stanford.edu
Janelle Cheung   janellec [at] cs.stanford.edu
Ryan Chi   ryanchi [at] cs.stanford.edu
Nathan Chi   nathanchi [at] cs.stanford.edu
Bryan Chiang   bhchiang [at] cs.stanford.edu
Josh Cho   joshcho [at] cs.stanford.edu

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